A Personal Canon …

Ernest Boehm
3 min readFeb 15, 2022


2022 Year of Aesthetics Series №14

The debate of what is canonical is interesting, since it arrives from a biblical tradition and has expanded through classical to modern texts. As a classist I have have set classics to be dated to around 600 AD or earlier. I set the boarderline of the modern at Shakespeare and Montaigne or round 1600.

In my opinion this list of books are books that will add to your life and thought, they are always ones I reread. These are the books are always in consideration after I finish a book.

I will list things as than move from what is purely canonical to less and less so. This list intentionally is as short as possible and I will have holes the reader can fill. I just find I would have no problem recommending any of the books below. I will discuss more modern poets at a different time since I am more oriented towards individual poems than poets.

I delve into what has to be outside the canon, I am sort of limit canonical in my mind at Shakespeare and Montaigne, many of the stared * to early to be canonical books in the list are my very favorite. Again this is a personal canon and the exercise is to have others think this way.



Emuna Elish

Biblical ( I am half way on the journey through)

Old Testament Hebrew → St. Jerome's Vulgate Latin → Douay - Rheims (English) → KJV (English ) → Robert Alter’s Hebrew Bible (English)

Coinea New Testament (Greek)→ St. Jerome’s Vulgate Latin → Douay → Rheims (English) → KJV (English )


Religious /Mythological

Homer: Iliad (Fables in English) / Odyssey (Fitzgerald in English)

Ovid’s Metamorphoses

Virgil’s Aeneid ( Lewis in English)

Rules of St Benedict

The code of Hammurabi

Early Dramatic -Classical

The Complete Greek Tragedy

(Selection: Oedipus Rex, Antigone, Oedipus at Clonus ~ Sophocles, The Oresteia ~ Aeschylus, Medea & Helen, 2 Iphigeneia plays, Bacchae, Alcestis~ Euripides) (Green and Latimore editors in English)

A sampling of Seneca since he influenced the Elizabethans

The Birds & Lysistrata ~Aristophanes

Classical Poets


Tang Poets ~ Du Fu, Wang Wei and Li Bao

Philosophy (a large hole in my reading) -Classical

The Republic, Symposium & Apologia ~ Plato



Elizabethan Drama

The Complete Shakespeare (Selection: First and Second Henriad, Othello, Lear, Hamlet, Much Ado About Nothing, Merchant of Venice, As You Like It)

Faust ~Marlowe

(Note I have read plays from this era but not much poetry)


The Complete Essay’s of Montaigne

The Virginia Statue On Religious Freedom ~Jefferson


Tristan and Isolde

El Cid


François de La Rochefoucaul -Maxims

Plays and Librettos

The Figaro Trilogy~ Beaumarchais

Mozart& De Ponte - Cosi Fan Tutti and Don Giovanni

Cavalleria Rusticana &Pagliacci

Strauss Salome & Der Rosenkailver

Don Carlo ~ Verdi

The Ring Cycle ~ Wagner

Cyrano De Bergerac~ Rostand

Games of Love and Chance Marivaux

Modern Novels (* too new to be considered canonical but I have highest of hopes for them)

War and Peace and Anna Karenina

Dostoyevsky: Brother Karamazov, The Idiot, Crime and Punishement, The Double and Notes from Underground

EM Forester: Room with A View, Passage To India, Howards End, Where Angels Fear To Tread *

Camus, The Stranger & The Plague *

Love in Time of Cholera ~ Marquez *

Snow ~Pamuk *

The Savage Detectives & 2666~Bolano *

Short Stories

The Exile and The Kingdom -Camus

The Fictions ~Borges (all are canonical according to Bolano, which is good enough for me, and if Borges is not canonical than maybe we should have no canon)

Welcome to the Monkey House ~ Vonnegut*

The Lemon Table ~ Barnes*

To Much Happiness ~ Alice Monroe *


Popper *

The Open Society and It’s Enemies

Logic of Scientific Discovery

The Poverty of Historicism

Myth of The Framework


Bed of Procrustes ~ Maxium


Modern Plays*

Street Car Named Desire ~ Williams

The Crucible ~ Miller

Uncle Vanya

Faustus~ Mamet

Becket, The Lark, Antigone & The Rehearsal ~ Anouilh

Screen Plays*

Woodie Allen: Hannah and Her Sisters, Stardust Memories, Manhattan

Sci-fi *

Six Dune novels Herbert


2001 Space Odyssey

Around the World in 80 days


Thousand Autumn of Jacob de Zoet, and the other novels of David Mitchel

The Plays Of Annie Baker

Plays of David Mamet



Ernest Boehm
Ernest Boehm

Written by Ernest Boehm

Chem E speaker of words doer of deeds

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