Merry Christmas Neil DeGrasse Tyson
2022 Year of Aesthetics Series №3
“I will honour Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. I will live in the Past, the Present, and the Future. The Spirits of all Three shall strive within me. I will not shut out the lessons that they teach.”
― Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol
I as a lapsed catholic and atheist never abandoned Christmas. I found that I would have to detach from my family and catholic friends to do so, I also believe in annual celebration of good cheer, charity and gift giving.
I also like the biblical texts and have a warm spot for classical literature, if the bible is only this it would be enough, it may be much, much more. I have seen more people saying Merry Christmas again and it is a nice trend to see. I live in a historically Christian environment, and I like this time of rest and reflection and discussion of the Christian ethic , which to a great deal I abide.
Santa Claus is the greatest game played every year, he instills a tradition giving good behavior and good cheer. There has to be a sense of blindness not to see that this is good clean fun and a jolly old time.
Lastly, Dicken and Darwin were contemporaries. I am a most stanch Darwinian, and less of a defender of Dicken’s yet I am happy my children read the Christmas Carol in 7th grade. It is a great tale and I think that it does not desecrate an iota of Darwin or science, it is a fantastic tale. It is a very secular version of Christmas but we all know the three ghost as we get older, and we should head their call. Also Thanks you very much sir is one of the greatest Christmas songs ever.
So Neil Merry Christmas, and many more.