The year of Aesthetics 2022 No.15
I just don’t want to be owned. ~Paul Poresti
I have been piling up books and a rather large stock of bourbon. In the case of books my eyes are way bigger than my stomach. With Alcohol it just seems I got in collection mode. Both the pile of books and my bottle stock pile have lead me to feel owned.
I was spending a lot of free times at liquor stores, and looking for what new bottles were worth hunting. This was a money and time drain it also made me feel like I should only be drinking bourbon because of the back stock. I wanted to be more selective of what i was drinking and when i just wanted to skip a night or a week from alcohol. So, my first Moratorium is no new bottles until after forth of July, 2022. I have seen the inside of libraries and studied a lot of piano theory and seeing some Rothkos.
I find that breaking a cycle has given more freedom then less , to enjoy what I have on hand, to free my time in other endeavors. There is more art, music, books and discussion recently.
As for books I am having a 5 pile moratorium, I make a pile of five read them, permanently abandon them only after reading 5 can if i choose buy 1.
The first five are
Popper’s Myth of The Framework
ee cummings’ i, six nonlectures
Braumoller’s Only the Dead
Gluck’s Last two small volume of poetry
Borges Selected non fiction
I plan to cram in less reading and read more during the day before bed. I can fall back on a great library system if i really need a book between piles of 5. Going through the stacks at a good library is better than any algorithm I have seen.