The Generic Grouping, Intellectual Laziness and Ugliness
2022 Year of Aesthetics Series №6
Generic grouping is a form of intellectual laziness. Where there is laziness there also is a form of slovenliness. I see this either laziness or as a form of getting attention by sending out a simple easy to agree message.
One of my least favorites is all academics are failing us. Because it does not hint at the true problem, that some academics are failing us and some are leading the bulk off a cliff. The solution is not wreck the academy but to challenge it. I have benefited by working with Academics in classics, engineering and chemistry. I work with a number of driven PhD (I am not a PhD) and have reaped the benefits of their insights. The lazy statement is because many Academic, businessmen and managers just want to be a political and want to reduce the risk of political opinion, but not all and more and more I see increasing people stepping out. Academics called for a vote on speaker rules at Cambridge recently and made the rules that strengthened initiation of unpopular speaker, with a huge turn out on the vote which was on the landslide of free speech. Some academic takes stands and stand for the truth.
Arif Ahmed lead a free speech vote at Cambridge he struggled to find 25 good academics who would sign a petition for a vote, (in Genesis the criteria was 10 good men.) But their efforts lead to many siding with them on a ballot on three amendments to the universities code, and people were reinvited and disinvites have become much less possible.
All of generalize and it is useful but if it is to lazy, it may lead to the oversimplified false and the lazy ugly.
The question I ask myself are:
Is my formulation overly simple? Could it be used to make a complex thing look like a simple thing?
Is this generalization making it easy for me, and should it be easy for me? A better case is often the harder one to formulate.
Will my simplification lead to me not taking action towards a solution.? Will it make me part of a “virtuous” to a team? Why do I want to be on that team?